Joaquin's Birthday

12:13 PM

Our baby #2 has finally arrived last Thursday, the 23rd of November, a week earlier than my expected due date.  I was actually hoping to deliver anytime after the 25th -- the day my sister and my brother would be arriving from the Philippines -- so someone could look after Rafa and Ronnie can accompany me in the labor and delivery suite to welcome the newest addition to our family.  However, things didn't go according to our plan.  Nonetheless, we're grateful still for my safe delivery and the healthy baby boy we are all enjoying today!

Labor had been pretty quick for me.  Imagine, I came into the hospital around 1:30am after feeling my membrane ruptured and a few drops of fluid came dripping on my underwear.  Then at exactly 2:41am, with just 3 pushes, the baby was out already!  It was such a fast and furious delivery!  All thanks to my Joaquin for making everything easier and more tolerable for mommy!

If you're wondering if I did get an epidural anaesthesia, the answer is NO.  But to tell you honestly, I really planned on having one even if it meant an additional AED 2,900 to our final bill.  (During Rafa's time, in 2013, epidural anaesthesia costs 2,500 dirhams and you have to pay it by cash because it's not covered by health insurance.)  Unfortunately, since my labor had progressed quite faster than what we have expected (I came to the hospital 4-5cm dilated and by the time they were ready to call the anesthesiologist, I was already 9cm dilated and fully effaced), I became ineligible for the procedure anymore.  The good thing about it?  We were able to save the money! The bad thing is, I had to bear the pain of labor contractions once again!  

It was such a horrendous experience but all the pain was definitely worth it the moment I was able to hold the baby in my arms.  Oh, Heavenly Father, thank you so much for the amazing gift of motherhood!

Anyway, here are some of the snapshots from that memorable day:

Ronnie was not able to come with me inside the labor and delivery suite when Joaquin came out because no one would look after Rafa (kids are also not allowed to enter the hospital's special area).  Good thing the nurse on duty was kind enough to capture these shots for me.

After giving birth, my husband was able to come inside for a few minutes to see the baby.  Rafa was left waiting/playing outside the labor and delivery suite with the security guard who happens to be a 'kabayan' too.  Thank God for the amazing strangers who helped our family during this momentous hour!

After staying for about two more hours in the labor and delivery suite, where I was monitored closely and had the chance to breastfeed Joaquin for the first time, they finally transferred me (together with the baby) to our room.  Burjeel Hospital encourages immediate rooming in to promote bonding and facilitate breastfeeding, something that's really beneficial for both the mom and the baby!

Mommy and daddy duty mode is ON!

I was actually planning to exclusively breastfeed Joaquin.  However, his direct Coomb's test turned out to be positive, so the neonatologist who's monitoring our baby recommended to supplement with infant formula for the meantime -- just to avoid his total serum bilirubin from spiking to high-risk levels which would require admission and phototherapy.  Also, on day two, my breasts were already engorged so they gave me a breast pump to express milk and avoid having mastitis.

Kuya Rafa was asleep when baby Joaquin and I were transferred to our room.  Upon waking up that morning, the first thing he did was to look for the baby.  Oh, how excited he was to see his baby brother in flesh!  He loves our baby so much, he doesn't even want to share Joaquin with mommy and daddy.  It's like as if he owns our baby!  Lol!

The newest addition to our family!  Everyone, meet Joaquin Gabriel R. Vendil.  My husband and I had been thinking for several months already on what name to give baby #2.  Supposed to be, his name should start with the letter R, too, just like his dad, mom, and kuya Rafa.  However, Ron and I cannot agree on any name that begins with R.  He likes the name Joaquin and I wanted the name, Gabriel.  So to put an end to the never-ending name-hunt, we just combined the two.

On day two, the nurse came in our room to give our son a sponge bath.  He now looks and smells so fresh, just in time for coming home!

Oh, how I love my life right now!  All thanks to the Supreme Being for blessing me with such a wonderful family!  Indeed, God is good all the time!

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