Thailand Honeymoon Throwback

1:49 AM

Several weeks ago, my husband asked me why my site had been flooded by several travel posts yet he cannot seem to find an entry featuring our Thailand vacation.  Honestly, I wasn't expecting that he was waiting for me to blog about it (because the trip happened more than three years ago already), but since he specially requested for it, then allow me to share with you today a major throwback of our 2012  T H A I L A N D  adventure.

We took this trip (a gift courtesy of my sister and Noy) a few days after our wedding, which makes it our official honeymoon holiday!  Come to think of it, my husband was actually right! I should have given this topic a special space on this website because it was indeed one of the happiest memories we had as a newly married couple.  Good thing he demanded for this post or else I would have missed immortalizing this special moment here on thoughtsofahappymomma!  (I can just imagine my husband and I, when we're both old and gray, reading this blog post about our honeymoon and many other stories of the happy memories we've shared in this lifetime.  Isn't that sweet?  Or maybe, that's just me being hopeless romantic!)

Anyway, aside from being our official honeymoon holiday, this Thailand adventure also marked another important milestone in my life --  attaining my freedom!  Lol!  Most of my friends knew that my (very) conservative parents never allowed me to a sleepover or an out-of-town trip that would require spending the night somewhere else other than our home, so this vacation was obviously my FIRST EVER overnight getaway (without the parents)!

I knew Ronnie, who was just my boyfriend then, didn't agree with this (my father's) house rule, but he obeyed it whole-heartedly as a sign of his respect for me and my papa.  And you know what?  I loved him even more because of that!  Instead of pressing me to defy my father (just so we can join the "traveling couple" bandwagon), what he did was to arrange a day trip to destinations that were only a few hours drive away from Manila -- like Caleruega, Villa Escudero, Corregidor, etc. -- so that he can still take me to places I've never been to without violating papa's rules.  He also made sure to take me home as early as possible because he didn't want to disappoint my father, whom he knew was always waiting for me to get home.  I know!  I know!  He's really such a sweetheart, isn't he?

Going back to our trip...  It was a 5D4N tour of Thailand where we got to explore the most popular tourist attractions in Bangkok and Pattaya.  It surely was a fun and exciting experience to travel and see new places with your significant other!  However, I must admit that too much traveling left us very tired as well!  Just imagine we had our call time at 7am and we only got the chance to rest in our hotel after dinner.  It was really exhausting!  (Now I know!  The next time we'll leave for a second honeymoon -- if ever we'll even have another one -- it must be somewhere more peaceful and relaxing!  And please, no more tours!  Just plenty of cuddle time instead!  Lol!)

Our first official travel as MR & MRS also made me realize how opposing our personalities were -- like my husband was the adventurous and outgoing type while I was the more reserved one.  For Ronnie, vacations like this meant walking around exploring every corner of the street and trying out local food.  On the other hand, my idea of an ideal vacation has something to do with rest and relaxation, which literally translates to sleeping whenever I want to, and enjoying my "comfort" food.  (Yeah, I know!  I am REALLY a very boring person!)  

As expected, these differences caused us issues that led to a few petty lover's quarrel during our honeymoon.  That's normal!  Married couples go through that period of "adjustment" anyway.  In fact, until now we're still on the process of adjusting to each other.  Well, I guess, marriage is actually a never ending process of adjustment and compromises.

At times, though, I still find myself wondering how my husband got to like my very boring and (let's admit it) uninteresting character, because plainly, we are the exact opposite of each other.  So asked him and here's what he said:  "We are, in fact, a perfect match because we complement each other to make a better twosome!"  Well, I believe he's right!  (As always!)  It only proves that there's a truth in the saying that goes, "opposites DO attract!"

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