What It's Like to be Married for Five Years

1:00 PM

Ronnie and I have been together for almost seven years already (1year and 9months as bf-gf; 5 years as husband and wife) and I must say that those times have been the best and happiest moments of my life!

I am not exaggerating or trying to flatter my husband with sweet words -- just for the sake of putting up an anniversary blog post --because who the heck am I kidding?  But it's the truth!  Having Ron in my life is certainly the best thing that has ever happened to me.  He's a very responsible father and a trustworthy, loving, understanding, and forgiving spouse.  He simply fits all the kind words you can ever think of.  And yeah, like you, I also once thought that this man is just "too good to be true!"

It really is so hard to believe how "perfect" Ronnie appears to be.  I had my fair share of doubts, too.  So when he proposed and asked for my hand in marriage, I couldn't help but feel scared of how he would change after the wedding.  I've heard and seen so many horror stories about how hard it is to live a married life.. and it got me even more terrified!  But my love for him is bigger than my fears, hence, I decided to trust my guts and said, YES! 

Every day since then, I have come to realize that he's not really the "perfect" man I thought he was.  He has flaws and he makes mistakes, but I still love him, though.  Actually, I'm loving him EVEN more with each passing day, despite/ in spite of all his imperfections. 

I am far from being the perfect wife, too.  In fact, I am waaaayyy different from the ideal girl Ron had long dreamed of -- a "Latina" beauty who sings well and knows how to play the piano; someone classy and smart; a woman who is "confidently beautiful with a heart," ika nga ni Pia Wurtzbach.  In short, he's looking for a Miss Universe-worthy kind of gal.  Very high standards, noh?!  To be honest, until now, I still don't understand how it was even possible for him to like the simple and boring me.  Nonetheless, I am grateful! 

Every single day I am filled with so much gratitude to the Heavenly Father for blessing me with a wonderful family.  Gone are the days when I dreaded living a miserable married life -- of having to deal with infidelity, irresponsibility, violence, and all the ugly things associated with it -- for Ronnie has proven me that he is, indeed, a good man and that together, we can make our marriage as beautiful as how we want it to be. 

Don't get me wrong.  Our marriage is not all roses.  We also go through a few misunderstandings and petty lover's quarrel, just like any other normal couples do.  My husband is not perfect and neither am I.  We are two imperfect individuals who always choose to love, to forgive, and to be happy.  Of course, that's easier said than done!  But the point is, we are always given a choice.  What happens to our lives are determined by the choices we make.  As for me and my dear husband, I guess, we just choose to hold on to each other -- for better or for worse, for richer or for poorer, in sickness and in health, until death do us part.  It's hard work and it takes a lot of sacrifices, but at the end of the day, I can say that it's definitely worth it!

Happy 5th Wedding Anniversary to us, my Love!  Thank you for making me believe in love once more.. for taking all my fears away.. and for showing me that love needs not to be difficult and painful.  You have given me five amazing years of married life that's far beyond what I have ever imagined, hoped, and dreamed of -- and for that, I will be forever grateful!  Te amo!  (PS.  You still amaze me until this very day and I have no clue how you do it.  Will you dance with me again?  Just like the old times...)

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