
God is Good, All the Time!

2:34 PM

A week ago, my uncle and godfather, who had been like a second father to me and my siblings, was rushed to the hospital because of a syncopal episode.  After running a few tests, they discovered the culprit to be his failing kidneys which warranted an immediate need for hemodialysis.  The news was heartbreaking.

Come evening of that same day, my mother was also rushed to the ER because of palpitations -- her heart rate skyrocketed to 200 bpm.  Being a nurse by profession, I was fully aware of the possibility that she might suffer a stroke, a heart attack, or heart failure.  It was terribly scary.

These two recent unfortunate events made me realize what my greatest fear is -- ILLNESS.  I'm scared of being sick and I'm even more frightened to see a loved one suffer from the pain and discomfort brought about by a medical condition.  It is during these times when I feel most helpless and totally out of control.  It's also during these times that I know I've got no one esle to turn to but Him.

Thankfully, we've got a very loving, generous, and merciful Father who ALWAYS listens.  He has never failed me, not even once.. and I know he never will! 

My mama was discharged without any complication after two days of hospital confinement.  All her tests returned normal results and her BP and heart rate are currently being well managed to fall within the normal range.  Praise the Lord!

My uncle is still in the hospital (he had undergone a few sessions of hemodialysis already) but according to his daughter, there is a chance his case could still be reversible -- he has to undergo surgery to remove the stones that cause inflammation to both of his kidneys.  There is hope!  Oh, the joy of having been given a second chance at life!  It's indescribable!  Truly, God is good all the time!!!

***Btw, our growing family will be going on vacation to The Land Down Under, thus it may take sometime before I'll be able to update this blog.  Meanwhile, allow me to just share with you my son's first ever solo concert for good vibes (he's even holding a pen as a pretend snowball microphone for his props)!!!  Enjoy!  And please pray for our safe flight!  Thank you!

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