Rafael is ONE!
7:19 PMOh, how time flies so fast! Until now, I still find it hard to believe that the fetus who used to kick my once pregnant belly has already grown into a little naughty boy. Rafael has finally turned one! It was indeed the most stressful yet the most rewarding year of my life. I must say that I had the hardest time adjusting to my new role as a first time mom. The many sleepless nights, my difficult journey to breastfeeding, and all the hurdle of having to deal with colic, growth spurts, teething, and sleep regression were all worth it. I am very grateful that beyond the struggles, I was given the opportunity to stay at home and be with him every single day, watch him grow and witness his every milestone.
To celebrate this special occasion, my ever generous sister, who also happens to be Rafael's ninang, sponsored a birthday party for him at Jollibee Shangri La mall. It was supposed to be kiddie party. However, most of the invited guests were not able to make it because the event happened to fall on a weekday. So instead of having little kids enjoy the parlor games, it was participated in by adults who were "kids at heart." We may have had only a few guests but Rafael surely had a great time during the party especially when Jollibee started dancing and when everyone sung him the birthday song, and that's what matters.
Rafael's first year had been a roller coaster ride for the whole family. It was a year full of many "firsts" and a period of great adjustment. I know, more challenges will come our way especially now that Rafael officially became a toddler. I pray that Ronnie and I will be blessed with a lot of patience and guidance as we rear our child into a God-fearing and responsible adult. And I wish Rafael will always be healthy and grow up as a man of character.